Welcome to Sammers'
Wacky Wildplace




Real Pets

Cyber Pets




Yeeeehaw! More updates! It just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Yeah, well.. Shut up.

Updates: Updated the "About Me" page, "Art" page and "My Pets" page, and took of the "Fun Stuff" page because it wasn't fun. Also, I don't use my Sammers alt anymore because I transferred my wings to my older alt, Arpha, therefore in a few weeks (or whenever I update next), this craphole will be "Arpha's Wacky Wildplace". Or something.

Changed the font to Arial.. Easier to read.

Made the links to the left smaller.

--Best viewed with Internet Explorer--

These are my Neopets, Jayen, Virvo and Peopa. Neopets is a fun game where you adopt and raise pets! It's not like those old, cheap cyber pet game thingymajiggers, Neopets is AWEESSSOOMMEE!